Fick just detta mail med en film och en vädjan från Beirut om hjälp. Som flera av vet så har jag föreslagit att vi i de nordiska länderna gör en gemensam aktion och sänder pengar. Ingen reaktion har jag fått ännu, men avvaktar litet till för MDs del.
Jag vill att ni lägger upp filmen på MDs hemsida och distriktens hemsidor för information till vår medlemmar. Det är Lions i Libanon som agerar och har sänt denna appell till alla länder i organisationen. Filmen är mycket stark.
Anna Maria
----Ursprungligt meddelande----
Från :
Datum : 2020-08-10 - 16:34 (CEST)
Till :
Ämne : Beirut - Lebanon Disaster
Anna Maria Bernstein
CC MD-101 Sweden
Dear CC Anna Maria,
I hope you and Lions of MD-101 are doing well at these difficult times around the world.
As you are aware, a tragic disaster occured in my home city Beirut, Lebanon last week that resulted in about 200 deaths, more than 6000 injured many seriously, and dozens of disappeared persons.
The aftermath has shown a city kneeling on its feet with about 300.000 people not staying in their homes that were damaged from minor (no windows and doors) to severe (in buildings that may collapse anytime).
Lions of Lebanon, District 351 have taken the challenge and responsibility to assist those in need from securing daily hot meals, medical aid....etc but the major project under the theme "Back Home" ensure that around 3000 homes be basically restored before winter time, to enable their occupants to go back to their homes with minimum human dignity. Executing the project details is completely under control of the Lions.
LCIF has already invited the Lions of the world to donate to Lebanon Fund and injected $10.000 and of course the District has initiated a special bank account for the relief.
We appeal to you and Lions of MD-101 Sweden to support Lions and people of Lebanon thanking you for your kind consideration. Swedish Lions were always the front runners in helping in many projects in the world including helping Syrian refugees in Lebanon a few years ago through local Lions.
If you need further information please let me know.
We Serve
Salim Moussan, PID
Special Advisor, Lebanon Disaster Relief Committee
District 351
Here is the link for a high definition video prepared to introduce our work in few minutes: